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The Journey
We want you to have a safe and happy journey to school. In order to achieve this we ask that you follow some simple rules when travelling by bus.

Waiting at a bus stop
Please be at the bus stop at least five minutes before the bus is due. The times shown are approximate and times of arrival will vary depending on traffic and other factors.
If you're wondering where the bus is – we have real time tracking. Search on the web for, and select your route under Sullivan Buses.
All bus stops in Hertfordshire are request stops. This means that if you're on the bus you must ring the bell to alert the driver that you wish to alight the bus or if you're waiting at the stop you must also signal to the driver. So when the bus arrives, please signal clearly to the driver in good time. Ensure that when signalling that the driver can see you! If you don’t you may well miss the bus. Clear signalling is especially important on non-uniform days when drivers may mistake you for other passengers.

When the bus arrives, please queue and take your time when boarding. Please do not rush onto the bus when other students are paying their fare. If you do the bus will be held until you return to the front of the bus. In the event of repeated instances we will forward a report to the school.
If you have a season ticket or pass please have this ready to tap on the ticket machine on boarding. If you are paying a daily fare, in order to get the SaverCard fare you will need to tap your SaverCard onto the ticket machine and follow the driver’s instructions. It helps if you have the correct fare, but we regret we cannot accept £50 notes. If you do not have a SaverCard or a working SaverCard you will need to pay the higher non-SaverCard fare.
We do not sell returns, but on a Monday you can purchase a weekly ticket which is valid to the following Friday. You do not need a SaverCard to buy a weekly ticket. Weeklies offer one free trip and can be transferred between students (assuming they are not both travelling at the same time). Note that on part weeks it might not be worthwhile to purchase a weekly ticket unless the student is not in possession of a SaverCard, in which case this may well offer a saving.
Regrettably, if lost, Weekly tickets cannot be replaced. A fare for the appropriate journey will need to be paid if a valid ticket cannot be presented at the time of travel.
When on the bus please make your way to an available seat. In common with most bus operators we do not offer a seat reservation system (and season tickets do not guarantee a seat). All seats are available for use, unless there's signage stating otherwise. Please do not put bags or other items on seats in order to reserve seats for others or to block other students from sitting. Remain seated throughout the journey.
If all seats are occupied, please stand on the lower deck. Do not stand at the front of the bus in the way of the driver's vision as this can pose a danger to other passengers and road users.
Anti-social behaviour is rare on school buses. However If you get in to trouble on the bus with other students, please in the first instance report this to the driver. If the driver cannot deal with this immediately he/she will refer the matter through our office to the school. Otherwise if you prefer you may wish to report the matter through the school's normal procedures. We will do all we can to tackle the matter.
Drivers – we cannot guarantee you will have a regular driver, however a regular driver may well be the case. We recommend that you do not assume that your driver will be someone you know as we may need to move drivers round routes to cater for holidays, training and other instances. As a result you will need to be prepared to have your pass ready and signal in good time.
Lost property – if you lose something on our bus, please either email us at or call 01707 646 803 Copyright 2021 Sullivan Buses